Finance/Budget Archives 2015-16 through 2018-19

The District-wide budget development process is a collaborative process involving many stakeholders. The budget reflects the labor and material resources required to fulfill the goals and objectives outlined by the Board. The budget serves as an operational plan, stated in financial terms, for carrying out the goals of the school system.
The budget preparation process begins each year in September and continues through June with the adoption of the budget by the Board of Education.
Legal Requirements
On or before July 1 of each year, Education Code Section 42127 requires the District to accomplish the following: 
  • Hold a Public Hearing on the budget to be adopted for the subsequent fiscal year. The budget to be adopted shall be prepared in accordance with Section 42126. The agenda for that hearing shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the Public Hearing and shall include the location where the budget will be available for public inspection.
  • Adopt a budget. No later than five (5) days after that adoption or by July 1, whichever comes first, the Governing Board shall file that budget with the County Superintendent of Schools. That budget and supporting data shall be made available for public review.
  • Not later than forty-five (45) days after the Governor signs the annual Budget Act, the District shall make available for public review any revisions in revenues and expenditures that it has made to its budget to reflect the funding made available by that Budget Act.
Budget information is available for review, per fiscal year, below.
Budget 2018-2019
Budget 2017-2018
Budget 2016-2017
Budget 2015-2016