District Directory
SLVUSD personnel use a First Initial & Last Name @slvusd.org format for their email address (i.e. [email protected]).
Superintendent’s Office
- Christopher Schiermeyer, Superintendent, 336-5195 Ext. 100
- Patty Schroepfer, Executive Assistant to Superintendent, 336-5194 Ext. 101
- General Fax: 831-336-9531
Business Office
- Anna Seymour, Assistant Superintendent-Business Services, 336-9672 Ext. 110
- Natalie Moreno, Administrative Assistant, 336-9672 Ext. 111
- Lori Gentile, Director of Fiscal Services, 336-8467 Ext. 112
- Emily Lake, Payroll/Benefits, 336-9536 Ext. 114
- Darlene Peterson, Accountant, 336-1827 Ext. 113
- Paloma Vachon, Accounting Technician, 336-8467 Ext. 141
- Jeannine Baustian, Accounting Technician, 336-8467 Ext. 115
Information Technology
- Jeff Kitts, IT Director, 335-4425 Ext. 180
- Sarat Wattanapakorn, IT Supervisor, 335-4251 Ext. 181
- Sylvia Covarrubias, SIS and Database Specialist, 336-4022 Ext. 132
- Paul Owens, Computer Resource Specialist, 335-4475 Ext. 182
Instructional Services
- Lauri Martin, Assistant Superintendent-Instructional Services, 336-8852 Ext. 133
- Julie Walker, Administrative Assistant, 336-8852 Ext. 131
Human Resources
- Andrew Lucia, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources, 336-5193 Ext. 120
- Helen Sullivan-Thompson, Human Resources Assistant, 336-5193 Ext. 121
- Human Resources Fax: 831-336-9657
- Sub Help Desk: 831-336-5193 (For Assistance During Business Hours)
- Sub Help Desk: 831-338-4837 (For Assistance After Business Hours & Weekends)
Special Education/Student Services
- Jen Lahey, Assistant Superintendent-Special Education / Student Services, 336-9678 Ext. 140
- Judi DeSantis Administrative Assistant, 336-9678 Ext. 141
- Natalia Bytheway, School District Nurse, 335-4452 Ext. 236 / 335-3548 (fax)
Maintenance and Transportation
- Dan Arndt, Director of Maintenance, Operations & Transportation, 336-9679 Ext. 150
- OPEN, Facilities Project Lead, 336-9297 Ext. 151
- John Bergquist, Bond Construction Manager, 335-3465 Ext. 153
- Laura Spilman, Bond Administrative Secretary, 335-5386 Ext. 185
- Sherrie Lust, Transportation Supervisor, 336-2223 Ext. 160
- Transportation Fax: 831-336-2525
Student Nutrition Services
- Alisia Munoz-Rojas, Director of Student Nutrition Services, 335-5384 Ext. 170
- Judi Casey, SNS Account Technician, 335-5384 Ext. 171