Instructional Services Department » Interdistrict / Intradistrict Transfer Requests

Interdistrict / Intradistrict Transfer Requests

Interdistrict Transfer Requests
The Instructional Services Department processes all Interdistrict Transfer Requests. If a family who lives in SLVUSD would like their child(ren) to attend a school in another district, or vice-versa, this form needs to be completed and returned to the Instructional Services Department. For families seeking to leave SLV, the process begins here at SLV. For families seeking to come into SLV, the process begins within your resident school district.
The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation for Interdistrict Attendance are posted below for your reference. The form that is required to be completed is also provided below.
For any additional questions related to Interdistrict Transfers, please contact the Instructional Services Department at 831-336-8852 ext 131.
Intradistrict Transfer Requests (within District Open Enrollment)
The Instructional Services Department processes all Intradistrict Transfer Requests. If a family who lives in the Boulder Creek Elementary attendance area would like to have their child(ren) attend San Lorenzo Valley Elementary School, or vice-versa, this form needs to be filled out and returned to the Instructional Services Department.
The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation are posted below for your reference. The form to be completed is also provided below.
For additional questions related to Intradistrict Transfers, please contact the Instructional Services Department at 831-336-8852 Extension 131.