SLVUSD Student Testing Results
PLEASE NOTE: To reduce the strain on students, families, and educators during the COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Gavin Newsome issued an Executive Order on March 18, 2020 to waive, pending federal approval, this year's statewide testing for California's more than 6 million students in K-12 schools. For this reason, no students will have state testing scores for the 2019-20 school year.
The California Department of Education (CDE) will no longer be mailing home student score reports. These score reports apply to the following tests:
1. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
- Smarter Balanced for English Language Arts (ELA) / Literacy and Mathematics
- California Alternate Assessments for ELA and Mathematics
- California Science Test (CAST)
- California Spanish Assessment (CSA)
2. English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
- Summative ELPAC
Your student's electronic student score reports can be obtained by logging in to the parent portal in PowerSchool. Please click on the link below which will provide step-by-step instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: For assistance with this process, please contact the Instructional Services Department at 831-336-8852 (extension 131). If you have problems logging into the Parent Portal of PowerSchool, please contact your child's school office so that they may assist you.