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2023 Spring LCAP Presentation
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Added Feb 21, 2023
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Hello SLVUSD families, my name is Christopher Schiermeyer and I am the superintendent for San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District. that we wanted to come around and record our spring El Cap meeting presentation that we share with our pain groups as well as our staff and our administrative team are the first five we wanted to share with our district enrollment you can see that over the years our district has declined in our enrollment by over 200 kids and I were currently stabilized right around 2,100 students you can see BCE is at 466 we're glad to see the growth of b c e from the Seas do you fire and hopefully it's more families build in that area PC go back to up to round 500 students SLE has always been around 5:50 to 570 and there enrollment with next year being 560 the middle school is running around 400 next year the high school status quo around 6:50 in general population's right around 2100 even in future years 2,100 students and our Charter runs right around 300 students what's really important about those next slide is r a d a stands for average daily attendance and that's how we generate funding for school district all those students might be enrolled in our district we only generate by me at the student attends school so it's really important that our students are attending school that if we how many vacations we plan those around summer break winter break spring break Thanksgiving break that maximizes our attendance and our funding into our school district we know during this pandemic as you can see in 2021 and even this year 2022 with the RSD and flu and covid still existing that are tendons is actually running about 3 per cent to 4 per cent lower than when we were pretty covid we normally turn around 95% attendance in each percentage is about little bit over $200,000 to our funding in the district so encourages much as possible to be attending school for your student and having them attend school darsco generates the funding for the student what are things also we wanted to show you is in 2021 the governor called as harmless in our tenants at radar you can see that we are getting actually more fun 2021 21 22 and 22 23 down here then we actually have an students and so it's really important to understand that we were held harmless and then we are I need on current year prior year or a three-year rolling average so that loss of 88 of 200 and something that loss of enrollment of 200 kids back in the prior years is actually finally impacting us school year with the loss of 79 students and next school year with the loss of 98 students it doesn't mean we're losing students it just means that the Ada and the way the state calculates it's finally catching up to us and then in the 2 years you can see our losses and that much it's just really status quo to 2100 but I want to encourage our families to make sure your students are attending school so we can generate the funding for our students also I want to thank all of our families for utilizing our home test kits and ensuring that when your student isn't feeling well and you are testing them and making sure our schools and staff and students they stay why we still kind of navigate this pandemic and the things that are happening out there that are causing their students to get sick whether that's RSD the flu or Coban so thank you for all your support and keep our schools open and safe our students the next light I want share with you is just how much money we get per kid and so you might hear the governor say we get about 25 on average $25,000 per kid that's in the keyword there average and sell some school districts that have high home prices and property taxes like over the hill in Palo Alto in Santa Clara they might get 35 $40,000 per kid and even down in Carmel however our school district gets about 12,000 cars for kids and then on top of that with federal state local finding we average about $14,000 per kid there are school districts that have high free and reduced lunch homeless and property in the district and they also generate additional funding called supplement on concentration funding and those districts can reach up to about 20 to $25,000 per kid our district is about 25% free and reduced lunch and as a I thought we do get additional funding and additional funding is in this column right here and we get about a million dollars and not. Finding has to go to provide services for English Learners Foster homeless and free and reduced lunch until we provide a variety of services to ensure the best students can access correct them and are making growth in our school district and this finding is what we utilize determine how to write r-elk NRL cap goals and actions which I'll be talking about in the next slides one thing I quickly went to share which we share in the beginning was our cast scores as you can see there's definitely grow for school districts and school districts the state to grow in there I'm sending their academic goals and growing and they're Ela and math we know that the online learning and the pandemic did crate this morning and that is our goal to try to close stop back up one highlight here is our high school we're almost about 88% of our kids who start with us actually graduate with us and so when our students are leaving the high school 75% of them are proficient Ela and that is the highest in the county and then where the second-highest with math at 41% but obviously party 1% we'd like to see a lot more growth in that and 53% and Science and so we have a lot of areas growing here you can see down at the bottom the Middle School BC their Title 1 schools and that just means they have a higher percentage free reduced lunch students than the district average which I'll talk about later in a he just fine so we take our funding we're getting and then we also take our caste scores and all the data for my parents surveys from the previous year and we crear El Cap goals so the El Cap the local control accountability plan has a three-year plan and that we are going into our last year of the plant and then we have to work completely write a new plan so that our goals within that plan our math proficiency that's based cast scores and what we know our students need to focus on both and foundational math skills as well as conceptual Mouse bills and terms of word problems and how to really work the math until I realized scenarios learning is the second goal we know our students are varying levels of behavior as well as anxiety and different things and we want to make sure it doesn't but they can access the curriculum it doesn't matter how well our teachers teach the working at the student isn't able to access it emotionally in the classroom weather there with the teacher so we put resources to support the students and provide strategies are born is Senegal on environmental literacy literacy apartment fire district where we're located in all you have to do is look out it's very beautiful where we live all the trees but all of our drinks also go into the ocean and things so you'll see a new recycling bins out there we do composting and we a lot of things about educating our students about the environmental literacy in the importance of act what we heard from parents last year when we did our meetings was that there was a need to really focus on literacy. Where is he from reading to phonics to grammar to spelling the writing and so we created a gall to try and focus and close that Gap as we heard from our parents what we do as we take those sparkles then we create actions under each of those goals and these three categories so we asked ourselves what professional development do we need to do in order for us to make sure we're making grow in math make sure we're making in environmental literacy social emotional learning and literacy across the curriculum we Oscar after we asked ourselves what professional development we ask ourselves what materials I find me then what manipulatives are curriculums are white and option do we need a pilot for for the subject matter that were teaching and then the final question we ask herself is do we need to hire any additional Personnel to help us meet this goal and so these are just some examples to El Cap has about 100 pages document it is located on our website and so has a lot of information in it so I just wanted to highlight that what we really are looking at is what profession development materials and Personnel we need the insurer meet these Fargo's a mass social emotional learning environment undersea and literacy once we get all the information back from our parent survey our visits to the sites and talking to our staff and administrative team we take that all that information and we cry kind of focus areas are things so this was this year's Focus areas based on the prior-year information we received so the first Focus area was on Educational Foundation so it was brilliant around scope and sequence implementation making sure we're teaching the right standards the right grade letter great grade-level making sure that our standards are a prior centers are being mad so there's not we're not increasing the learning gaps for our students as they move through from one guy the next making sure that were assessing the students just Mormon Ubly it could be a quick one or two question thing making sure we're Gathering data and all the students getting the material and then asking ourselves what type of interventions are do we need to provide to push her students forward or close that gap for them and really trying to engage them back into the curriculum and spending some academic goals for them we also heard from our parents some more grading consistency at secondary run the four point scale what does it mean to have a 2.7 you know schoology where do I look and how do I support my students so the middle school and the high school providing some training and work on that with their staff and it's time training with parents on an opportunity to kind of understand how to work through schoology and support your students at the elementary so we kind of worked on the primary report card and what that means for our parents and I understand your students progress we also know our students were online learning for a year-and-a-half and this is just their second year back in school friend that pandemic and social emotional learning is really important as well as all of our positive behavior interventions at the K-8 program and also to your purchase of discipline especially at the secondary levels and ensuring that you know we have alternatives to suspensions do some restorative justice restorative justice justice practices sorry and mental health supports and awareness for our students and then the last thing is we just been through a lot as a badly we have the season your fires and then we had covid and then we had school closures and then we came back and now we have floods and slides and losses and soaps we just have been through a lot of the valley and I know we all rally in support each other but just rebuilding the slvusd culture I'm sure you're all aware that slvusd as but when the largest employers the Bali in our schools are integral to the valley and the operations of the valet we have a lot of support from our community and we even considered as a community school district Raven know people are not involved with their students in school still they come and support our school so just that Cher leadership connecting now building positive relationships communicating and providing the overall student experience for our students and what we mean by that is what does it mean to be a cougar at the high school or a panther at the middle school or BC Bear Car Bobcat are Charter stew just what does it mean when you walk under our campus is so that you can be successful connected and in great have a great learning experience while you're in our schools this was the first question we asked parents when we run around and I know this is a video so you can't really know Sarah respond to me but you'll have an opportunity we're going to be sending out the spring survey here in a couple weeks so I'm right around late and giving about 3 weeks 4 weeks to fill that survey out and we have about 1,300 parents felt that survey and we took all that day that really helped us focus on what we are hearing from our parents to support your students and so but we're going to ask for you to do on that survey is to share your thoughts of what we maybe need to focus on for the following year 2324 both academically social emotional or anything else you want to add to that survey so please I got time to top a survey we do I take it that information seriously and we look through it and we break it down and we create our themes in our action plan for the following year another thing we share with our families you know our district has for professional development days and then we're out early Wednesdays at elementary and Monday at the secondary and that's really around professional development and so our focus and professional development was defining the scope sequences and really looking at our priority standards as well as environmental literacy and and data and just really what kind of Assessments can we use to capture how the kids are progressing academically next year were Folk scene on some assessment protocol training and literacy across the curriculum but when you're doing that survey in the spring if there's any professional development you feel like we're missing or where or anyting muscle our staff responds to this but some parents have shared some valuable input of what they would like to see our teachers get some training in to support their student or their family so when you're doing that survey if you feel like you want to share something please share that app for us cuz we do take that information and adjust our professional development accordingly you might hear from the state as well as across the school district that we received one time money and all schools across the state of California received one time money and we received a total of 5.6 million and 110 money so we have a bubble and our enrollment member that slide in the beginning where we are getting more funding. we had students so that was a few million dollars coming in those years I've been we had actually students cuz we are held harmless and on top of it we got one time money the spark that we actually have the same number of staff we had when we had 250 more kids and we have been trying to keep everything going program wise and supports from CTE classes to AP classes to like Deb's to all these programs do the one-time money has helped us develop a four-year plan originally was a three-year plan and then we got a dish no one time money from the burning recovery block Ranch and so instead of just doing one year spending 5.6 million divided over four years with specific plans to kind of make it institutionalized best practices across our district so these are the things that we have done with that one time money on the first year and the second there was some of that money that came from the straight was negotiated that was part of the Union negotiations and so we gave a 2000 one-time bonus and the first year and a 1,000 one-time bonus in the first year and then beyond that in the first year we had Behavior AIDS at both Elementary's we gave a lot of materials out the families during the online so we need to purchase a lot of instructional materials back into the classroom we provided a teacher on special assignment call atosa A B C Nest Philly for coaching teachers and helping them a re-establish PBIS in the cricket lamp and a primary science teacher at the elementary test just to help with the implementation of phos and not crave feeling Glam and providing professional development and your two referred from parents that maybe we can if we could reduce 4th and 5th grade and just keep those classes slightly smaller to help with learning lost so we did that Elementary answer engine size for literacy and math pull out we did some summer collaboration with our teachers and supporting them with their scope and sequence math coach at the high school keeping the toast as a belt I'm sure he's a mental health dce has 100% mental health counselor in the high school had a hundred percent mental health counselor but is Ellie in the middle Schoo only at 75% so we increased both those positions to 100 so its course would be assigned a hundred percent mental health counselor instructional materials professional development and EWR stands for extra work agreements for teachers that were providing intervention support we see this more at the middle school on high go with office hours in tutoring and sometimes a little bit at the elementary and keeping the behavior aides at the elementary so now we're going to go into year 3 and and year 3 this is not been finalized we do not finalize the expense until we meet with all the staff parents the surveys completed and we reviewed all with our administrative team and then we prioritize that what we feel is the best decision to make and supporting our stew instant staff in the use of one-time funding so we have one point three million dollars we're looking at doing similar items and your three as we did for a year to you see there's a secondary math teacher in there that's 5 sec to give in to the middle school and three to the high school to support math intervention as well as lowering class sizes program specialist is a specialized position where there is an expert that comes and they support our special ed teachers with their coaching as well as they provide compliant and support to compliance that compliance initiatives we have to do with the state and then everything else is pretty much the same in the white here you can see that's 1.3 million below in the pink those are other things that have come up like do we need to keep them Elementary science part the primary we do have a lot in your elementary teacher so we're thinking that buy something we need to keep a board certified behavior analyst is a classified are contracted position where someone comes in and really provides Behavior Support for high-needs students that are having behavior issues I'm accessing the classroom layout to do training my staff and they do training with our Behavior Aids on how to support students that have are having behavior issues in the classroom I'm there is some discussion if we need additional layers to support or training readers and Writers Workshop and do we need to hire tk12 math coach and so anything we want to do in the pink means we have to reduce something in the white section or we could do it all if we do it all it means in the fourth year I'm we have to instead have a 1.2 million we have like eight hundred thousand so these are the discussion so again I encourage you to fill out the spring survey and put some of the request you would like to see and the district because we take those requests and We crave themes and if that becomes the highest priority then that's what we really want to focus on and make sure that we are utilizing me find these fines to really close that learning Lost Gap for our students and my students poured and their academics we wanted to share with you. But finding many of you voted and prop 28 pass it is a proposition that provides one percent of the state budget how far of a funding the school sites and so that the state gets more money these this allocation does that but they get less money that allocation goes down the school sites get the funding based on there in Rome as well as how many low-income students they have it is ongoing funding that means it's not going away so every year you get this bucket of money in the the fighting has to stop them at not supplant so that means is the adder Pend Oreille back a program which having have in our school districts important thing also is worth declining District so if you are declining and you are going to have to cut back on programs like you might not have a need for National English or science or social studies class section at the secondary or or at the or even about by you can use this funding to maintain those type of programs that maybe would be reduced as a result of declining but you should see across our sites and increased about the opportunities for our students this is really worked on with the site principal in the staff so you'll be hearing from each of the sites about their map program and I'm and what they're doing and looking at to do with that then these funds there is an indirect business oversight and managing all the funds at the district level taken as required by state and federal and 80% of this finding has to be spent on Personnel that means it doesn't matter if it's past my certificated but you have to spend 80% on people doing things in terms of paper for students the remaining amount that you how can be spent on professional development and materials and we also wanted to share Title One funding and so Title One funding is additional funding its go sides get and goes again directly to the school site so it doesn't plan that's worked on with the site principle parents and staff it's a title one planets created and this is the I mean that three of the schools get an in order to get the funding you have to have a percentage of free and reduced lunch that is equal to or greater than the district average star District averaged 24.5 you can see that be see the middle school on the charger I qualify for that but SLE even though they have 112 in the high school have 138 students they don't qualify for this funny because their overall percentage is less than the district average and there is only one pot of money that comes in around 229,000 you take the indirect cost off and this is what the schools are projected to get so if more Schools fall by it just means that everybody gets a little less where's the first year that Charter qualifies normally has only been Boulder Creek and the middle school and so the part of me is now being split three ways it's not evenly split its it's split by the number of students that you actually have that's why you can see ABC has more than the middle school and the charter These funds also cannot supplant programs they have to supplement needs at adding on to the programs are things that are happening at that school and it's split from the back but slightly different you do not have to spend any money on classified or certificated but you cannot spend more than 85% on Personnel so the max you can spend 85% on personnel the last thing I want to share where these were our overall survey survey rating across the district when we did our survey last spring and so you can see that our percentage of except strong is relatively high in the district we are used to being a Community School District with exceptional skulls and so we know there's a lot of growth to do in making sure our parents and staff spell that I'm our schools are strong and exceptional and so when you're doing that spring survey and this will be a question on that survey if there are things that you feel are causing you to put in adequate or adequate I know how we can improve to get used to strong an exceptional we want to make sure our students are coming to Great Schools and I really think we have a really unique Community School District when people actually come down here they don't realize how beautiful and what a wonderful school system we have but every school system has areas they can grow in and so please share that on the survey so we can ensure we're improving upon these on results each year and again I highly encourage you to fill out the spring survey cuz all that data really helps those give gives us valuable information on how to proceed next year and our Focus areas so that ends my PowerPoint I want to say thank you for all your support I'm proud to be the superintendent of someone's of Valley Unified School District I look forward to everything we're working on this year and meeting your students needs both emotionally and academically and then strained as we move forward next year I were tapping into those requesting those needs of course sometimes we can't do everything but we try to really focusing on those typing games of repeating things parents might be saying to us ensuring that we're not ignoring that and focusing on that for our students and our staff so again thank you hope you found this presentation by ball at least gave you a little bit of snap shot into our district and what were as a district thank you for your time and for listening to
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