Air Quality Art Contest Winners

The Valley Women's Club, in cooperation with the Monterey Bay Air Resources District, wants to create awareness of the poor winter air quality in SLV by encouraging all residents to be careful when using wood stoves, and to burn cleanly so that we can reduce smoke and protect SLV's air quality. This is the fourth year that the SLV school district has participated in this Art Contest to help bring about this awareness.
Jen Parks and Nancy Macy, Valley Women's Club, Ann O'Rourke (Executive Assistant) and Dave Frisbey (Planning & Air Monitoring Manager), Monterey Bay Air Resources District, and J.M. Brown, Supervisor McPherson's Analyst, were all present to congratulate and present the awards to our winners.
The winning artwork is on display on the first floor of the County Building, 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, until November 30th.
The winners are as follows:
Grades K-3:
1st Place    Madalyn Fernandes, 3rd Grade, SLVE
2nd Place   Lola Booth, 3rd Grade, BCE
3rd Place    Sofia Diaz, 3rd Grade, BCE
Grades 4-6:
1st Place    Natalee Thomas, 6th Grade, Coast Redwood MS (SLV Charter)
2nd Place   Hana Goulart, 6th Grade, SLVMS
3rd Place    Charlotte Nielsen, 6th Grade, SLV Charter
Grades 7-8:
1st Place    Mia Hamilton, 8th Grade, SLVMS
2nd Place   Gregory Souza, 7th Grade, N.A. (SLV Charter)
3rd Place    Lila Arrasjid, 8th Grade, SLVMS
Grades 9-12:
1st Place    Lilith Romig, 10th Grade, SLVHS
(no other entries in these grade levels)
Lila Arrasjid, 8th Grade, SLVMS (submitted two entries)
winning studentwinning student
winning students
winning students
winning student
Source: Vickie Bergquist